3M TMW Tubing, .330 inch I.D. (Pink)

3M TMW Heat Shrink Tubing is a semi-rigid, translucent heat-shrinkable polyolefin tubing that is co-extruded and selectively cross-linked with an integral, meltable wall.
The primary application for 3M TMW tubing is in the manufacture of heat shrink butt connectors, disconnects, ring terminals, and fork terminals. Other applications include braided shield pigtails, mechanical assemblies, electronic components, electrical wire splices, breakouts, solder joints, delicate wire terminations and end-sealing of electrical cables. Standard colors include: .183 - Red, .220 - Blue, .225 - Yellow, .330 - Pink.
3M TMW Heat Shrink Tubing is a semi-rigid, translucent heat-shrinkable polyolefin tubing that is co-extruded and selectively cross-linked with an integral, meltable wall.